new story coaching
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do you want to be a force for good at this pivotal time?

let me help you to THRIVE…

You are here because you are driven, serious about doing things differently, know there's a better way to do business and live life.

You want to not just enjoy what you do, but to thrive within it.

You believe that the work we do can benefit people, communities and the planet, as well as the economy, that being values and purpose-led is the future and in the possibility to create positive change at this pivotal time.

Many competing priorities and pressures can easily lead to overwhelm and burnout or a focus on business as usual.

Let me help you support you in your leadership and build mental resilience, with the right support you can not just do what you feel called to do, but be successful, happy and fulfilled whilst doing it.

‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’ Mary Oliver

I found deep answers to questions I didn’t know I was consciously asking, and we got there in only a few sessions. I learnt simple tools I now apply every day. I built the courage to try things I had wanted to try for years. I now have an inner confidence I didn’t have before. I will be always grateful.
— Shila, Freelance Coach and Community Builder

LEt’s work together



Many of us reach a point in our lives where we are led to reassess. It might be triggered by a sudden change in circumstances, the passing of a loved one, an illness, or just the building of a feeling over time that we aren’t quite making the most of everything life has the potential to offer.

For many people, the times we are living in also invite us to consider our impact in the world, perhaps the desire to leave a legacy, or to be more intentional about how we show up.

My work as an embodied systemic coach supports you to show up and be active in the world in a way that brings you greater purpose, fulfilment and meaning.

Mental Fitness 6-week Programme

When you are committed to being a force for good, you need to enlist the help of your most powerful ally, your mind.

The Positive Intelligence (PQ) Programme is a breakthrough, research based, and proven system that is supported by an App and accompanying 6 week programme that generates insight into what holds you back, builds powerful habits of mind, and actively rewires your brain for positive change.

Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. And that’s what our program design empowers you to do.

There are incredible benefits to building strong emotional intelligence and a brain wired for positive intelligence in all areas of life from daily stress management, relationships, parenting, leadership, creativity, conflict management, and performance.

Associate work

I work with different organisations as an Associate, supporting them in their good work.

I currently work with Sanctus as a mental resilience and leadership coach to support employees mental health and wellbeing.

I also coach leaders within the House of Commons through NDC (New Direction Consulting).

I’m also a coach within Xynteo’s Leadership Vanguard Programme for senior leaders, many at VP level.

With my work as a facilitator and coach, I support individuals and teams to connect to their inner compass, master their mindset and take purposeful action for positive change.

With over 14 years of working in many industry sectors and across continents and cultures and seeing how much more we have in common that separate us, look forward to connecting with you.

I am driven by the belief of the possibilities that can be created in our families, communities and organisations — if we can just continue to be brave enough to show up authentically and support each other to do the same.
— Joa

Be a force for good

To be a force for good, we need to show up and support each other to….

act in alignment: guided by our core values and gifts

act as a good ancestor: taking on our responsibility to consider our wider impact in the world and on the generations of people, plants and animals that come after us

act with courage: to stand for what you believe and be prepared to fail

act with clarity: having mastery over your mind, being in a position of active choice around the beliefs that drive you and cultivating good habits

act consistently: to make incremental changes that lead to making a bigger impact and enjoying life more fully

When we show up as a force for good we can be present to the aliveness and gift that is available to us in each moment, trust that we are part of the whole and that our contribution really matters.