How to be a force for good….
act in alignment
acting in alignment is to be guided by our core values and gifts, TO prioritise how we live and work according to our passions, our gifts and our responsibilities. building the habit of tuning in and paying attention to that inner landscape of intuitive thoughts, feelings and impulses that act as your inner compass to those things that really are in alignment with your core needs and desires is essential.
act as a good ancestor
showing up is taking on our responsibility to consider our wider impact in the world and that on the generations of people, plants and animals that come after us. so many people are coming to realise their part in the wider web of life and how what we leave behind through our acts in the present make all the difference to the shape of our planet and the unfolding of life’s rich tapestry for future generations. cultivate an understanding of your own sense of the ancestor you would like to be and how that shows up for you in the every day.
act with clarity
acting with clarity is having mastery over your mind, being in a position of active choice around the beliefs that drive you and cultivating good habits to manage the inner saboteur and move past blockers that inhibit positive progress. build a growth mindset, see things clearly and discern that way forward with confidence.
act consistently
making consistent progress towards what we want is one of the hardest things to manage. Make incremental changes that lead to making a bigger impact. acting consistently requires a pace that works for you, that honours the space you need to be at your best and supports you to avoid burnout.
act with courage
it takes courage to show up, to stand for what you believe, to be prepared to fail, hold clear boundaries that preserve your own wellbeing and honour your part in the whole. Define those boundaries, reflect and learn from experience and keep showing up in the way you intend.
when we feel we want to give something to the world we can easily be pulled into thinking that our contribution doesn’t really matter. to show up is to trust in your part of the whole, however humble that may seem, and to fulfil that part with diligence and commitment. Consistent drive and faith in who you are and what you bring is needed and trust is the foundation.
be present