Meet your Coach and fACILITator

Joa has been supporting people to connect to their inner compass and thrive, to take purposeful action at this pivotal time, working with individuals and within organisations for over 14 years in her work as a coach and facilitator.

Her interest in coaching began when she was running a charity she had set up supporting disadvantaged people into work She became aware that it was often the underpinning beliefs that were the main obstacle for people she was working to support, not just the lack of opportunities or blockers within our current systemic paradigm.

She founded my time coaching in 2007.

In 2021 after discovering Positive intelligence, she saw the opportunity to bring a simple tool that could support her clients to be happier and increase the impact they were hoping to bring. It’s a breakthrough, research based, and proven system that is supported by an App and accompanying 6 week programme.

Joa has been working as an associate with different organisations delivering coaching and facilitating training in conscious business, with clients such as leaders within the House of Commons, PSA (Peugeot Citroen) and Tata. Usually with a focus on creating cultural and system change. Her work for many years as a project manager working to implement projects for VW, Abbey Road Studios, The Cooperative bank, gave her valuable insight from within large and small organisations.

Joa’s whole approach is underpinned by the belief in the possibilities that can be created in our families, communities and organisations — if we can just continue to be brave enough to show up authentically and support each other to do the same.

Joa is most excited by working with Bcorps, social enterprises, community ventures, and all those who want to be a force for good in the world.

“I believe in the possibilities of the radical shifts that can be created in our families, communities and organisations - if we can just continue to be brave enough to show up authentically and support each other to do the same.”

Joa's coaching style weaves a depth of being with fun and ease, prioritising deep empathy and relationship whilst enabling positive action.

Joa loves traveling with her 2 daughters and learning from different cultures and people. ‘I enjoy loud music and silence, meditate and practice mindfulness, and aim to live a perfectly imperfect, simple life focusing on the things that matter.’

‘I believe that a more beautiful world is possible.  There are so many examples of amazing things happening in the world and we all carry memories of a deeper sense of connectedness and wellbeing that we have lost sight of in this current fast paced, rather crazy society.  A world that is more beautiful, kind and just -a world that works for everyone.’


I’m inspired by nature, the work of Charles Eisenstein, Brene Brown, Joanna Macy, Frances Weller, Margaret Wheatly, Thich Naht Hahn, craftivism, extinction rebellion- peaceful direct action, the slow movement, The poems of Mary Oliver amongst many more…


Coaching Credentials

International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited coach and member ACC.

Certified professional Coactive Coach (CPCC) Coach. 230+ hours of coaching with supervision and advanced coach training

Positive Intelligence (PQ) coach.

Certified Conscious Business Coach - Axialent

NLP Practitioner


‘Unlearning much of what I picked up unconsciously through school and life and choosing anew how to bring myself to this one wild and precious life has been central to my journey. My passion is to support others on their path of learning and unlearning.’ Joa